In [1]:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import os
import time
import extras
import tableio
from import fits as pyfits
from astropy.modeling.models import Sersic1D, Sersic2D
from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian1D, Gaussian2D
import numpy
import multiprocessing
import traceback
import functools
from pyraf import iraf
from iraf import artdata

Created directory /home/boada/Projects/planckClusters/sims/pyraf for cache

Handle all of the stuff to make this run asynchronously

In [2]:
def error(msg, *args):
    return multiprocessing.get_logger().error(msg, *args)

def trace_unhandled_exceptions(func):
    def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
            func(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:

    return wrapped_func

class AsyncFactory:
    def __init__(self, func, cb_func):
        self.func = func
        self.cb_func = cb_func
        self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(maxtasksperchild=10,

    def call(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.pool.apply_async(self.func, args, kwargs, self.cb_func)

    def wait(self):

In [3]:
class simgal(object):
    def __init__(self, filter, m1, m2, dm=0.2, Ngal=100, N=4, pixscale=0.25):

        self.filter = filter
        self.Ngal = Ngal
        self.pixscale = pixscale

        self.pipeline = '/home/boada/Projects/planckClusters/MOSAICpipe'
        # The input datapath
        self.datapath = '/home/boada/Projects/planckClusters/data/proc2_small'
        # The output datapath
        self.outpath = '/home/boada/Projects/planckClusters/data/sims'

        # Check for environ vars
        # gotta set this for the SExtractor configuration files to work
        if not os.getenv('PIPE'):
            os.environ['PIPE'] = os.path.join(self.pipeline)

        mx = numpy.arange(m1, m2, dm)

        sseed = numpy.random.randint(1000)
        for mag in mx:
            for i in range(N):
                self.iter = i + 1
                self.make_gallist(mag, sseed=sseed + 1)


    # Magnitude loop
    def mag_loop(self, field, m1, m2, dm=0.2, N=1):

        # The range in magnitudes to follow
        mx = numpy.arange(m1, m2, dm)
        for mag in mx:
            print("#\n# Starting loop for m=%.2f" % mag)
            self.iter_loop(field, mag, N=N)

    # Iter loop for a give magnitude
    def iter_loop(self, field, mag, N=1):

        # Make the list of artificial galaxies, same for all fields
        self.mag = mag

        # Loop repetirions
        for i in range(N):
            t1 = time.time()
            # pass up the iterarion number
            self.iter = i + 1
            iter = format_iter(self.iter)
            self.GaList = '/tmp/gal_ell_m%.2f_rh%.1f_%s.dist' % (mag, 3.0,
            #self.make_gallist(mag, sseed=i + 1)

            # Create the fake image
            # Run SExtractor on it
            # Match and store the catalog

            # Merge them all in one file
            print("# %s " % extras.elapsed_time_str(t1))
            print("# ------\n")

    # Make the galaxy list for a given size, mag and Luminosity
    def make_gallist(self, m, sseed=1.0):

        iter = format_iter(self.iter)
        GaList = '/tmp/gal_ell_m%.2f_rh%.1f_%s.dist' % (m, 3.0, iter)
        if os.path.exists(GaList):
            print("# Cleaning %s" % GaList)

        artdata.gallist.interactive = "no"  # Interactive mode?
        # Spatial density function (uniform|hubble|file)
        artdata.gallist.spatial = "uniform"
        artdata.gallist.xmin = 300  # Minimum x coaordinate value
        artdata.gallist.xmax = 4500  # Maximum x coordinate value
        artdata.gallist.ymin = 300  # Minimum y coordinate value
        artdata.gallist.ymax = 4500  # Maximum y coordinate value
        # Seed for sampling the spatial probability function
        artdata.gallist.sseed = sseed

        # Luminosity function artdata.gallist.uniform|powlaw|schecter|file
        artdata.gallist.luminosity = "uniform"
        artdata.gallist.minmag = m  # Minimum magnitude
        artdata.gallist.maxmag = m  # Maximum magnitude

        artdata.gallist.egalmix = 1.0  # Percentage of elliptical galaxies = 0.3  # Minimum elliptical galaxy axial ratio
        #artdata.gallist.eradius = esize  # Maximum elliptical half flux radius
        artdata.gallist.sradius = 1.2  # Spiral/ellipical radius at same magnitude
        # Absorption in edge on spirals artdata.gallist.mag
        artdata.gallist.absorption = 1.2
        artdata.gallist.z = 0.1  # Minimum redshift

        artdata.gallist(GaList, self.Ngal)
        print("# Created gallist on: %s" % GaList)

        # Pass up
        self.mag = m


    def mkobjects_homegrown(self, field):

        filter = self.filter
        real_fits = os.path.join(self.datapath, field,
                                 "%s%s.fits" % (field, filter))
        simu_fits = os.path.join(self.outpath, "Images",
                                 "%s%s_sim.fits" % (field, filter))

        outfilename = simu_fits
        objectlistfilename = self.GaList
        seeing = 0.5 / self.pixscale

        radius = seeing

        with as infile:
            self.header = infile[0].header
            image = infile[0].data
            gain = infile[0].header['GAIN']
            magzero = infile[0].header['MAGZERO']

        # only get part of the total image
        # this will speed up the sextractor run
        # this is not needed because we are using the small data
        # limit = 1000 # make a 2000x2000 final image
        # image = image[image.shape[1] // 2 - limit: image.shape[1] // 2 + limit,
        #           image.shape[0] // 2 - limit: image.shape[0] // 2 + limit]

        xsize, ysize = image.shape

        # zero flux corresponding to magzero in ADU:
        zeroflux = 1.0 / gain

        # reads the IRAF GALLIST output.
        x, y, mag, size, ar, pa = numpy.loadtxt(objectlistfilename,
                                                usecols=(0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6),

        flux = zeroflux * 10.0**(0.4 * (magzero - mag))
        galsize = numpy.sqrt(size**2 + radius**2)
        #galsize = numpy.ones_like(size) * radius
        # numpy.loadtxt() creates a view, but we need contiguous array
        x = numpy.copy(x)
        y = numpy.copy(y)

        image = self.make_galaxies_astropy(image, flux, galsize, x, y, ar, pa)
        #image = self.make_PS_astropy(image, flux, galsize, x, y, pa)

        # write out the image
        hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(image)
        hdu.header['GAIN'] = (gain, 'the gain')
        hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu])
        hdulist.writeto(outfilename, overwrite=True)

        return None

    def make_galaxies_astropy(self, image, flux, galsize, x, y, ar, pa, n=4):

        for f, s, xi, yi, pai, ari, in zip(flux, galsize, x, y, pa, ar):

            fluxlim = 0.0001 * f  # 0.1
            scale = 1  # arcsec/pixel
            r_e = s  # effective radius
            ellip = ari  # ellipticity
            theta = numpy.deg2rad(pai)  # position angle
            x_cent = 0  # x centroid
            y_cent = 0  # x centroid
            tot_flux = f  # total flux

            s1 = Sersic1D(amplitude=1, r_eff=r_e, n=n)
            r = numpy.arange(0, 1000, scale)
            s1_n = s1(r) / sum(s1(r))
            extent = numpy.where(s1_n * f > fluxlim)[0].max()

            if extent % 2 > 0:
                extent += 1

            ser_model = Sersic2D(r_eff=r_e,

            x = numpy.arange(-extent / 1., extent / 1., scale) + x_cent / scale
            y = numpy.arange(-extent / 1., extent / 1., scale) + y_cent / scale

            X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y)

            img = ser_model(X, Y)
            img /= numpy.sum(img)
            img *= tot_flux

            xi, yi = int(xi), int(yi)
            # COLUMNS FIRST -- because FITS are silly
            image[yi - img.shape[1] // 2: yi + img.shape[1] // 2,
                  xi - img.shape[0] // 2: xi + img.shape[0] // 2] += img

        return image

    def make_PS_astropy(self, image, flux, galsize, x, y, pa):

        for f, s, xi, yi, pai, in zip(flux, galsize, x, y, pa):

            fluxlim = 0.0001 * f  # 0.1
            scale = 1  # arcsec/pixel
            theta = numpy.deg2rad(pai)  # position angle
            tot_flux = f  # total flux
            x_cent = 0
            y_cent = 0

            g1 = Gaussian1D(amplitude=1, stddev=s)
            r = numpy.arange(0, 100, scale)
            g1_n = g1(r) / sum(g1(r))
            extent = numpy.where(g1_n * f > fluxlim)[0].max()

            if extent % 2 > 0:
                extent += 1

            gaus_model = Gaussian2D(amplitude=1,

            x = numpy.arange(-extent / 1, extent / 1, scale) + x_cent / scale
            y = numpy.arange(-extent / 1, extent / 1, scale) + y_cent / scale

            X, Y = numpy.meshgrid(x, y)

            img = gaus_model(X, Y)
            img /= numpy.sum(img)
            img *= tot_flux

            xi, yi = int(xi), int(yi)
            # COLUMNS FIRST -- because FITS are silly
            image[yi - img.shape[1] // 2: yi + img.shape[1] // 2,
                  xi - img.shape[0] // 2: xi + img.shape[0] // 2] += img

        return image

    # Merge the matched catalogs
    def merge_matched(self, field):

        # Set up names
        iter = format_iter(self.iter)
        MergedCat = os.path.join(self.outpath, "Catalogs", "%s_m%.2f_%s_%s.dat"
                                 % (field, self.mag, self.filter[-1], iter))

        # Clean if exists
        if os.path.exists(MergedCat):

        # Merge all field
        matchcat = os.path.join(self.outpath, "Catalogs",
                                "{}{}.mch".format(field, self.filter[-1]))
        cmd = "cat %s >> %s" % (matchcat, MergedCat)

        print("# Merged results on %s:" % MergedCat)

    # Match the sim and recovered catalogs
    def match_cats(self, field, dmax=4.0):

        matchcat = os.path.join(self.outpath, "Catalogs",
                                "{}{}.mch".format(field, self.filter[-1]))
        with open(matchcat, 'w') as mch:
            (x1, y1, m1) = tableio.get_data(self.GaList, cols=(0, 1, 2))
            (x2, y2, m2) = tableio.get_data(self.SExCat, cols=(1, 2, 3))
            idx = []

            ## Find matches for GaList on SEx one
            for i in range(len(x1)):
                d = numpy.sqrt((x1[i] - x2)**2 + (y1[i] - y2)**2)
                if d.min() < dmax:
                    ix = numpy.argmin(d)
                    mch.write("%8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f\n" % (
                        x1[i], y1[i], m1[i], x2[ix], y2[ix], m2[ix], d[ix]))
        print("# Matched cat  on %s" % matchcat)
        idx = numpy.array(idx)
        print("# Matched %s/%s" % (len(idx), self.Ngal))

    # Run SExtractor on the field
    def SEx(self, field):

        # The configuration file
        SExinpar = os.path.join(self.pipeline, 'confs',

        #header = self.header
        filter = self.filter[-1]
        simu_fits = os.path.join(self.outpath, "Images",
                                 "%s%s_sim.fits" % (field, filter))
        #simu_fits = 'gals.fits'
        out_cat = os.path.join(self.outpath, "Catalogs",
                               "" % (field, filter))
        zp_use = self.header['MAGZERO']

        opts = ''
        # Do the SEx
        iter = format_iter(self.iter)
        print("# Will run SEx on %s -- iter %s" % (field, iter))
        cmd = "sex %s -CATALOG_NAME %s -MAG_ZEROPOINT %s -c %s %s > /dev/null" % (
            simu_fits, out_cat, zp_use, SExinpar, opts)

        # pass them up
        self.SExCat = out_cat

        # remove simulated fits


In [ ]: